Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The magic of CAT TURDS...

Cat turds that is. Petey is just small enough to squirt through the cat door into the garage, which is where all the cats go in their boxes (5 cats, 5 boxes). Petey is an expert at diving in for a well-developed, slightly chewy turd before you can say "no" (like that would help...). More about cat turds and their irresistable allure at this site, from which I dare quote from below...

"Dog eats cat feces: If your dog is hungry and cat poop is available, he will eat it. Cats excrete poop filled with protein and all the other stuff in modern-day cat food that has nutritious value to dogs. Cat poop is basically a slightly distilled version of the stuff that is in the cat food bag and very attractive to dogs. If your dog is eating cat poop, there is no point to trying to train him not to do it. You will not be successful."

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